• In practice, Regeneco is building a community of believers who understand the times and know what we should do.
  • The world’s economic and monetary systems are broken and cannot be fixed by a “Great Reset.”
  • Instead, God has invited us to participate in a “Great Restoration” of His principles and ways “on earth as it is in heaven.”
  • We serve individuals and organizations by helping them “see” economics in an entirely different way – the way God intended His people to live as they create value and build His Kingdom.
  • We show the damage that man’s systems are inflicting on humanity and how God’s way differs.
  • We are building a platform where followers of Jesus can come together and build God’s economic principles of cooperation, stewardship, abundance, identity, and sustainability into their families, churches, and communities.
  • We partner with people and organizations that provide the practical strategies and tools needed for success.
  • We provide insight into how God is moving in the world today to advance His agenda as man’s systems break down and they attempt their “Great Reset.”
  • We help navigate the massive changes that are now underway in the world as we seek to create a brighter future for our children and grandchildren.

Three Important Questions

Why focus on economics & money?

Economics is the one “system” that touches every human being. Nobody can escape it. This reality means it is central to building the Kingdom of God. Therefore, it is our responsibility to design and manage it according to biblical principles.

Why is a lifestyle of resiliency so important?

Scripture teaches us to have many close, loving, and interdependent relationships with one another. This keeps us from relying on man’s systems and a complex global economy to sustain our families, churches, and communities.

Why does stewardship of Creation matter?

From the first chapter of Genesis, Scripture teaches us that the production, distribution, and consumption of food are central to God’s “economy.” In our rapidly changing world, understanding its intended role takes on a whole new dimension.