• Regeneco helps followers of Jesus understand why five key economic principles – cooperation, stewardship, abundance, identity, and sustainability – are critical to the advancement of God’s Kingdom on earth.
  • We then provide pathways for individuals, families, and churches to restore these principles in their local communities, unleashing untapped resources that promote the dignity and well-being of all citizens.
  • We help establish a “council” of local leaders and provide them with consulting and training to facilitate the adoption of these principles in their churches, local businesses, and civil government.
  • We connect individuals, families, churches, and councils to a network of service providers that equip them with the tools and expertise necessary to adopt this new “economic worldview.” 
  • Finally, we provide insight into how world events will impact local communities, empowering households, churches, and local leaders to navigate the massive geopolitical and economic realignment that is now underway.

Three Important Questions

Why focus on economics & money?

Economics is the one “system” that touches every human being. Nobody can escape it. This reality means it is central to building the Kingdom of God. Therefore, it is our responsibility to design and manage it according to biblical principles.

Why is living a "biblical economic worldview" so important?

The gospel of the Kingdom is about creating close, loving, and interdependent relationships with those in our local communities. Creating and exchanging value with one another builds resiliency by decreasing reliance on man’s systems and a complex global economy to sustain our families, churches, and communities.

Why does stewardship of Creation matter?

From the first chapter of Genesis, Scripture teaches us that the production, distribution, and consumption of food are central to God’s “economy.” In our rapidly changing world, understanding its intended role takes on a whole new dimension.