In practice, Regeneco is a community of believers who understand the times and know what we should do. The world’s economic and monetary systems are broken and will not be fixed by a “Great Reset.” Instead, we see God inviting us to participate in a “Great Restoration” of His principles and ways “on earth as it is in heaven.”

In Genesis 2:15, God gave Adam an assignment that became the foundation of God’s intended system of value creation and exchange. It is not a complex equation of numbers, formulas, and charts. It is quite simple.

“Cultivate” and “keep” His Creation.

His instruction is clear and concise and is the foundation of all economic value created throughout history.

Human were created to bear the image of God. Providing the resources to build and protect our ability to bear His image should be the number one priority of every economic system. In reality, today’s economic systems are actually designed to undermine that ability. They have badly distorted what we claim is valuable leading to enormous and unnecessary hardship for all of humanity.

Regeneco is striking at the root of our broken economic system. We work with followers of Jesus to build resiliency and sustainability in local economies by creating teams who understand the vulnerability of our present systems and are committed to strengthening their community’s economic resiliency. This is the starting point for the restoration of God’s principles and ways, enabling communities to thrive in the 21st Century.

You now know what we are.
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