My Ways – Epub and Audiobook


This book contrasts God’s principles of cooperation, stewardship, abundance, identity as an image bearer of God, and sustainability with man’s principles of control/competition, ownership, scarcity, identity as an image bearer of the impostor, and fragility. The biblical economic worldview that emerges is what the ekklesia must carry forward into the 21st Century if it is to lead in creating a pathway to an age of abundance.

NOTE: This book is in “epub” format. It can be loaded into your Kindle reader using “Send to Kindle.” Please follow this link for instructions on how to use Send to Kindle, or search for the instructions online.

(Doug’s books are provided by Ascendeco, LLC)

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The body of Christ is suffering from an economic worldview crisis of historic proportions. It has embraced economic and monetary systems that are on the brink of collapse because they are designed according to man’s ways. The systems that replace them will impact every person on the planet for generations. Unfortunately, the only alternatives being offered are the kings of the earth’s self-proclaimed “Great Reset” and a new version of man’s failing systems. That is not what God has in mind for humanity.

He expects the ekklesia to offer the world something better.

It begins by embracing a new economic worldview based on God’s principles and ways and then building a new system designed according to them. It won’t be easy. The economic traditions of men that the global church has embraced make God’s way seem radical. Yet radical is the only way forward as He turns man’s “Great Reset” into His Great Restoration.

“‘My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,’ declares the LORD. ‘For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways And My thoughts than your thoughts.’”  – God ~700 B.C.

“They are still the only way.”
– God today.

Table of Contents

Introduction i
Backstory xi

Part 1 The Principles
Chapter 1 Cooperation 1
Chapter 2 Stewardship 17
Chapter 3 Abundance 29
Chapter 4 Identity 45
Chapter 5 Sustainability 59

Part 2 The Foundation
Chapter 6 Worldview Anchored 75
Chapter 7 Local Community Focused 89
Chapter 8 Trading Floor Activated 99

Part 3 The Process
Chapter 9 Follow the Leader 115
Chapter 10 Embrace the Great Restoration 129
Chapter 11 Prepare Yourself 141
Chapter 12 Engage Your Community 155

A Final Word 171
Acknowledgments 175


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