Cultivate and Keep


When God created the earth, He gave humanity the privilege and responsibility to serve and protect its ability to produce in abundance the resources needed to build His Kingdom. The foundation of it all is food. Without it, there are no humans, thus there is no Kingdom to build. This book examines the covenant God established with humanity to ensure this foundation would remain secure, how we have failed to keep it, the consequences, and the path to restoring it during this critical time in human history.

Note: If you haven’t read the first two books, you may want to check out our discounted three-book bundle (or you could just give them to a friend).

(Doug’s books are provided by Ascendeco, LLC)

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The world has entered a time of cultural, political, and economic shaking that promises to be historic in its global impact. At its core lies a global economic system that has evolved over thousands of years into a highly complex and dysfunctional set of rules and regulations. Its companion is a monetary system that is designed to feed that dysfunction and benefit the kings of the earth. Both contain fatal flaws that have plagued humanity throughout history. The good news is the church will have a historic opportunity to correct these flaws in the coming decade.

For that to happen, followers of Jesus must discard the “traditions of men” that have entangled them and adopt a new, yet radical, “biblical economic worldview.” The design of this new system is revealed when we begin with the first chronological verses in the Creation narrative: John 1:1-5. They set the context for the most overlooked “economic” verse in all of Scripture.

“Then the LORD God took the man and put him in the garden to cultivate it and keep it.” Genesis 2:15

God’s kind intention for humans has never been to create an economic system that makes us into voracious consumers of “stuff,” while squandering Creation’s natural resources and separating us from our identity as God’s image bearers. Our present-day reality requires us to acknowledge our error and restore an age-old covenant that will overcome man’s “Great Reset” while blessing humanity for generations to come.


“Then the LORD God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it.”  – God soon after creation

“The garden is now larger, as are the blessings of honoring My covenant with you.” – God today.

Table of Contents

Introduction i

Part 1 The First Covenant
Chapter 1 Our Relationship with Creation 1
Chapter 2 The Covenant 9
Chapter 3 The Covenant Broken 17
Chapter 4 The Cost 27

Part 2 Understanding the Times
Chapter 5 Reality Check 37
Chapter 6 Monetary Reality 47
Chapter 7 Economic Reality 57
Chapter 8 Food Reality 67

Part 3 Covenant Restored
Chapter 9 Apply a New Economic Worldview 79
Chapter 10 Know Your Trading Floors 95
Chapter 11 Redeem the Land 109
Chapter 12 An Invitation 121
Acknowledgments 129


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