This is the first of the three books in Doug’s deep dive into the history of economics and money – beginning in the book of Genesis.

From the back cover:

You and I were created on an earth filled with abundance to work with God, His Council, and our fellow human beings to complete a Grand Building Project. Unfortunately, while we slept, the enemy came and sowed tares in each of our “gardens.” Tares of generational curses. Tares of complexity and traditions. Tares of power and control. These tares have so distorted reality that God’s promise of abundance has been replaced with fear and scarcity. Fear of lack has distorted our understanding of how God intended us to interact with our fellow human beings. It has given rise to economic systems that feed on that fear to control and enslave us in ways we don’t even comprehend. 

This is the story of how it happened and how God is inviting the church to join Him in something much greater than man’s “Great Reset.” It is a story that you cannot write yourself out of. You can only choose the role you will play as God’s grand plan unfolds.

What they are saying...

Doug bit off a significant task when he began to weave together a threefold cord in this book. Firstly, he deals with God’s unfolding plan for humanity through His ekklesia (church); secondly, he raises the challenges facing us globally due to severely misguided economic policy; and thirdly, he begins to address the perilous social context we find ourselves within. I love the spirit of the book and the hard work invested in it. It is based on many teaching lessons and makes unclear economic concepts clear and available to the point of usable application.
Dennis Peacocke
Founder, GoStrategic and the Rebuilders Group
This book awakens us to the realization that a reformation is about to take place in global economics. It releases faith that we all have a seat at the table in shaping what emerges. It inspires us to fresh repentance and to dream with God about designing systems that will enable creating, stewarding, and releasing abundance on a scale that will radically advance the Kingdom of God. Millennials and Generation Z are waiting for you and I to join them in re-defining the economic realm!
Dave Harvey
Director of Bethel Leaders Network
"In my 47+ years of reading I’ve not read anything like what Doug has done - trace historically and parallel biblically thoughts on money, economics, biblical systems, and imaging. I have accepted without thought the systems that have woven their way into culture. Still, wondering how we got here and how something so enormous could ever be fixed. Well done."
Kenn Gill
Director of the Ripple Center, Calgary
In short, I Came to Give is an anointed masterpiece. It is well researched, scripturally sound, well-articulated, challenging, and inspiring. I'm filled with faith over the invitation and opportunity that lies before us in the midst of God's Great Restoration.
Shae Bynes
Co-Founder of Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur
This book is a well-researched and excellent resource on the topic of finance. The reader is provided with a clear understanding of God’s design of stewarding this world’s resources and how Satan has thwarted God’s intent throughout the ages. Realistic answers to our current state round out the book.
Bill Zwartbol
Lead Pastor, Free Grace Fellowship, Alberta, Canada